Sunday, February 28, 2010

Death to Boosters!!!

Most of us who play Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 are familiar with the concept of “boosting”. Those who aren’t here’s a lesson on the topic. Boosting is when 2-4 players get together and “boost” each others bonus scores to level up faster and unlock more items. In other words… IT’S CHEATING! There’s a time and place for cheating in games; but only during single player mode, not when playing against other players online. If you go onto YouTube you will find an uprising of players who are now fighting back against the boosters. Posters like TheSavageRandy, and Dino8623 post relentless and hilarious videos of their brand of “Booster Justice”.

TheSavageRandy’s brand deals with hunting down boosters in free for all matches and ruining their party; then following them to the next room until they log off. If you haven’t seen it yet it’s a treat to the eyes; the video is 6 minutes and 55 seconds of pure piss off to these cheaters with a heavy metal track and commentary by the man himself Duke Nukem.

Now Dino8623 has a very special way of dealing with these frauds. He joins into the 3rd person cage match mode, and agrees to boost with the other player. Then, when he gains their trust he starts acting like he has no idea what he’s doing, and just pisses off whoever he’s playing with. He continues to lead them on throughout the match and then set them back down in disappointment. The first time I saw “theres some one in the gift shop?!?” I died laughing. And even though I have seen it like 30 times it’s still funny. I don’t know if it’s his seemingly oblivious behavior that’s funny or the ridiculous overreaction of the 12 year old kid that takes the cake. Either way, its internet gold, and in my opinion comedic genius.

I have actually had the privilege of interviewing Dino, the creator of “Theres some one in the gift shop?!?”

Tales of the Nerdy Kind
- Age, location, Alias, Favorite mode of CODMW2 Multiplayer?
Dino8623- 17, Toms River NJ, Dino or Dyno, definitely demolition when not crippling boosters in cage matches.

TotNK- What was your defining moment that you decided to begin fighting back or screwing around with boosters?
Dino8623-My defining moment was easily watching these two kids get nukes every game because; they would find a spot and start killing each other until one got 2 to ruin the game. So, I caught on, killed the boy with the streak, they left and my twisted mind was created to end this nonsense.

TotNK- How do you pick out people that will be falling for your trickery? How do YOU find boosters?
Dino8623- I look for personality first, then find what easily agitates them, then their output (their voice) if they all add up then it’s easy. Trust me; it doesn’t always have to be 13 years olds that flip out.

TotNK- What gave you the idea to videotape this particular "cage match"?
Dino8623- Well it just clicked. After I heard him curse the first time, I died in laughter, and then felt like every one needs to feel what I’m feeling

TotNK- How do you not blow your cover and die laughing while messing with these kids?
Dino8623- Sometimes I do blow my cover but blame it on my dogs licking my feet or a distant cousin tickling me (laughs), other times I mute the mic or just sit and play in tears until after the match.

TotNK- What do you think Infinity Ward should do to fix the booster problem? Other problems?
Dino8623- Well there’s not much Infinity Ward can do, its almost unstoppable unless they hired people like me to become booster nightmares.

TotNK- Is there a time and place in games for cheating of any kind?
Dino8623- There is a time and place for cheating when it pertains to ones self and not affecting the community, and leader boards, its just poor sportsmanship.

TotNK- Have any of these people you mess with responded or contacted you since you humiliated them on the internet?
Dino8623- Not a word has been said to me yet from these boosters.

TotNK- Do you think GR4NNYSc00kies will grant me an angry 12 year old boy interview?
Dino8623- Yes, he would if he hasn’t seen the video, otherwise I don’t think so. (laughs)

TotNK- How do you keep your subject online long enough to make it funny?
Dino8623- I call it fishing. As you can see in my videos; I kill them a few times then throw out the line and once they kill me, I just reel them back in for more anger when they think all is well.

TotNK- What do you love the most about CODMW2? Hate the most?
Dino8623- I love the gun selection and the maps. I dislike the reality aspect, I think u should be able to break down doors, and open more to a map with an explosion or something along those lines.

TotNK- Have you experienced this in any other online games?
Dino8623- No just Call of Duty, and a few times of angering people in Madden.

TotNK- Any future plans for more videos?
Dino8623- Yes, I will definitely be releasing at least 10 videos by the end of this year, and hopefully T-shirts if I can find the help. I also might have a few videos stored for now with some basement oldies.

TotNK- Is there anything else you want to say on the record?
Dino8623- Hopefully I’ll be majoring in computer science this year at NJIT. Could maybe give another advantage to finding ways to beat boosters or create a game in the future!

I would like to thank Dino for the interview and I wish him the best in his journey to piss off boosters. So if you are a CODMW2 fan and you hate boosters, shoot them in the face for all of us, and if you are a booster then you know that your cheating days are numbered. VIVA LA ANTI-BOOSTING REVOLUCION!

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